SXPI Was Approved the Chinese Bridge Online Group Exchange Programme from the Ministry of Education

供稿来源:    作者:   发表时间:2021-12-08

Recently, SXPI declared its 2021 "Chinese Bridge" online group exchange program, namely "Chinese Language Plus Vocational Skills Camp", was successfully approved and funded by the Center for Language Education and Cooperation of the Ministry of Education. SXPI will cooperate with "Going Global" enterprises and College of Economics Mandala, Indonesia to jointly carry out the program. The program will offer online learning activities of "Chinese Plus Vocational Skills" for Indonesian teachers and students. It aims to spread Chinese language and culture, develop international teaching standards, promote international teaching resources, build a Chinese vocational education brand, and promote cultural exchanges between China and Indonesia.

This program is planned to be implemented in April 2022. At present, the enrollment of students has been officially launched. At the same time, the program's teaching plan and the production of course videos are being proceeded in an orderly manner.

"Chinese Language Plus Vocational Skills Camp" will be open to junior and senior undergraduate students from Indonesian partner universities of SXPI. The enrollment scale will be 80-90 students. The program will be held in the form of live courses and recorded courses. And the content of this teaching will include Chinese language, cultural lectures, skills learning, friendship activity between Chinese and foreign teachers and students, visits to cultural attractions, and corporate cultural experience, etc.

The approval of the "Chinese Bridge" online group program is of great significance for SXPI to launch a batch of internationally influential curriculum standards and teaching resources, explore the international development model of "Chinese Language Plus Vocational Skills", and build a high-level international vocational college.